Friday, August 25, 2017

The Thief And The Cobbler

The Thief And The Cobbler was a movie that was in production for over three decades, it began in London in the late 1960s.. This film was claimed to supposedly be "the best animated movie of all time." In 2012 a documentary about the movie's process was made by the name of Persistence Of Vision.

Clips of the lost movie are hoarded by collectors who actively try to recreate the vision. Due to it's complicated past and such long delays, The Thief And The Cobbler has gained a cult following. Many problems arose in the process of making the movie, like the fact that the film's protagonist looked like Jafar from Aladdin. Warner Brothers Studio ended up pulling the movie from their control. The movie went over budgetsand switched from company to company having shots be remade over and over.

To this day, loyal fans are trying to restore this piece of perfectionist art.