Friday, February 17, 2017

Tree Graphic Design

We were told to sketch 20 different ways to draw a tree, a bird, or a house. I choose to draw 20 types of trees. I drew The Great Deku Tree, Dr.Suess trees, Animal Crossing trees, braided trees, a tree stump, a dead tree, a willow tree, a child's drawing tree, a pine tree ect. I had to choose one of these trees to recreate in Adobe Illustrator. The tree I choose was the Animal Crossing tree. I choose this tree because it would be easy to make but still bring on a challenge.

I think the tree cam out very nice looking. The leaves kind of look like sharp needles, if i could go back I would probably fix that. Making the tree roots and tuffs of the tree was a very difficult process. I had to take a darker color copy of the part and layer it behind it. The problem was that my layers were all messed up, which made it difficult to do anything before i fixed it.

Monday, February 13, 2017

What Animal are you test

For "what animal am I" test I got an Otter. Being am Otter means I am a social person, I'm very open and positive, but i'm notorious for messy rooms and goofing off.  I think this is slightly inaccurate as  I am not a very social person. I'm not very talkative either. The rest of the Otter I can relate to. I do love influencing and motivating others with my art and I can be spontaneous at times.

Myer's Briggs personality test

My Myers-Briggs personality is ISFP. I am 47% Introvert. 25% Sensing,  41% Feeling, and 25% Perciving. I am very Introverted, and have a hard time talking to people at times. I make decisions based on how i'm feeling. If I have an important decision to make I have to take a minute to become calm. Sometimes I use this to my advantage to get away with procrastinating.

I think people can tell by how I act that i'm an introvert. I spend my time on my phone in the mornings, not really talking to anyone. Some people however, think I'm the very outgoing type, which I'm not. I think my personality test is spot on and 100% accurate.

I'm definantly a more creative type and can offer my skills in jobs and projects.

I share my personality with David Bowie, Lady Gaga,  Brad Pitt and more.

Monday, February 6, 2017


                   My favorite color is White. I like the color white because of it's calm and gracefulness. White is the color of majestic animals such as Swans and Polar Bears. The color is like an empty canvas standing on an art board, dripping with possibility and endless creative ideas. By adding white to any color, you can make a lighter color thats easier on the eyes, or a new color altogether.

                 My least favorite color is red. I dislike Red because it's such a negative color. It's the color of anger, bloodshed, energy, and harm. Red is such a bright color and so energetic its hard to not see it. It represents power and threats. Of course red can mean calmer things but the only thing that stands out for me is the negative affects.

             My Favorite and my least favorite color both make a good color scheme however. Think of it as a graceful swan with rad red markings. A very bold red and a calming white can mix and turn into a loving pink. The two colors aren't perfect but they are together. Pink is used all the time in Valentine's day and girl's clothes.