We were told to sketch 20 different ways to draw a tree, a bird, or a house. I choose to draw 20 types of trees. I drew The Great Deku Tree, Dr.Suess trees, Animal Crossing trees, braided trees, a tree stump, a dead tree, a willow tree, a child's drawing tree, a pine tree ect. I had to choose one of these trees to recreate in Adobe Illustrator. The tree I choose was the Animal Crossing tree. I choose this tree because it would be easy to make but still bring on a challenge.

I think the tree cam out very nice looking. The leaves kind of look like sharp needles, if i could go back I would probably fix that. Making the tree roots and tuffs of the tree was a very difficult process. I had to take a darker color copy of the part and layer it behind it. The problem was that my layers were all messed up, which made it difficult to do anything before i fixed it.
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