Monday, May 22, 2017

Final group project post

Our product is "The food Printer" and it's basically a 3D printer that takes food instead of plastic. Our company name is "Food Tech" and our slogan is a play on "I can't believe it's not butter!" Our process   was coming up with a product/company, making a video for it, making graphics, making an animation, and making the website. I created the food printer logo, the animated logo, the banner, and I edited the video. I think I learned that if someone doesn't do their job in a group, to let them slug behind then give them an important job to do so they are equal to everyone else's work. What I would have done differently is possibly choose a different product since ours was apparently too hard to understand and was "impossible" even though two other people's projects were magically refilling cups. I'm most proud of my animation, as I really like the transitions.

our group presentation was difficult, as we had half a website, haven't rehearsed, and my amazing animation wasn't present. If I were to redo the presentation, you can bet your butt that my animation would be on there and my picture would still not be there.

overall I really liked this project.

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