Monday, February 13, 2017

Myer's Briggs personality test

My Myers-Briggs personality is ISFP. I am 47% Introvert. 25% Sensing,  41% Feeling, and 25% Perciving. I am very Introverted, and have a hard time talking to people at times. I make decisions based on how i'm feeling. If I have an important decision to make I have to take a minute to become calm. Sometimes I use this to my advantage to get away with procrastinating.

I think people can tell by how I act that i'm an introvert. I spend my time on my phone in the mornings, not really talking to anyone. Some people however, think I'm the very outgoing type, which I'm not. I think my personality test is spot on and 100% accurate.

I'm definantly a more creative type and can offer my skills in jobs and projects.

I share my personality with David Bowie, Lady Gaga,  Brad Pitt and more.

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